Today, our weekly blog is going to touch on a question that many of my patients ask me. They ask, “Doc, What is more important, eating right or working out?”
Let’s look into that. When I get a patient that asks me that question, it shows me that said patient is looking to do just one thing, and will prioritize just that one thing to try to bring about health. But, that’s not the idea behind what we do. That outlook on health is more of a reactive situation: “give me that one situation that will help cure my illness.” It falls in the line of a more of a traditional type of healthcare which is a reactive healthcare.
We want to change our mindset to a more proactive healthcare. I get people that say, “Doc, give me the one stretch that will help me with this condition.” And that’s what we call an Asprin Stretch.
The idea would be, as a more proactive approach, to ask ourselves, “What can we do to add health to the body?” Instead of using one stretch, we should be stretching the whole body daily on a regular basis regardless if we have pain or not. It’s just a good thing that will add health to the whole body.
We should start changing our mindset, because reactive healthcare does not make you healthy, it just patches up the symptoms.
If your goal is to gain better health, better function, and a better life, you should add things that could build to your health. Like eating right AND exercising. So, that’s our answer to the aforementioned question; you have to do both. Look for ways to ADD to your health.
If you’re subluxated, that’s bad. It’s good to get adjusted, and on a regular basis.
If your kid is subluxated, has no pain, but may be subluxated, should we leave him at home developing the same problems you have, and just be reactive? That is up to you.
I would recommend the proactive approach, that’s why the whole family should come in and get checked on a regular basis.