Typically the traditional methods to eliminate symptoms are to use drugs, shots, pills, and even surgery.
For example, you have your Advil, your prescribed drugs, and cortisone shots. All are designed to specifically get rid of the symptoms the fastest possible way.
If that’s your objective, that’s okay. But, just treating the symptoms is the same as driving into a gas station because the oil light is on in your car. You approach the gas attendant and ask him to take care of the oil light because it’s bugging you. He sits down next to you, pulls out a spray paint can, and spray paints the light. He asks if you can see the light, you cannot, so he sends you on your way…
Same with drugs and surgery, they treat the symptom but not the cause.
Medically, they’ve come to the conclusion that if it’s a cure, they’ve eliminated the pain.
Our objective would be to look at the underlying problems that are causing the pain.
Look at, for example, FHP. FHP causes the head to go forward. The head weighs around 15 pounds; for each inch that it goes forward, the weight is multiplied by that amount; therefore, putting that amount of weight on your back.
For example, if the head goes forward four inches and you multiply it by 15, there are 60 pounds of pressure being constantly put on your neck, back, shoulders, and all the way down to your tailbone. It can also create symptoms like headaches, neck pain, arthritis, shoulder problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and eventually can create rubbing and grinding on the discs, causing degenerative disc disease.
Our office is unique because we take x-rays to see how the person’s spine looks. We, then, develop specific types of spinal molding exercises with certain adjustments and apply them to the person to where over the course of time, the person will change. We then can take another x-ray to see the correction happening, ultimately taking care of the cause. By doing so, we can get at the cause, to where the pain wont come back.
Any questions? Contact me, Dr. Robert Bates, at www.chiromanhattanbeach.com
Typically the traditional methods to eliminate symptoms are to use drugs, shots, pills, and even surgery.
For example, you have your Advil, your prescribed drugs, and cortisone shots. All are designed to specifically get rid of the symptoms the fastest possible way.
If that’s your objective, that’s okay. But, just treating the symptoms is the same as driving into a gas station because the oil light is on in your car. You approach the gas attendant and ask him to take care of the oil light because it’s bugging you. He sits down next to you, pulls out a spray paint can, and spray paints the light. He asks if you can see the light, you cannot, so he sends you on your way…
Same with drugs and surgery, they treat the symptom but not the cause.
Medically, they’ve come to the conclusion that if it’s a cure, they’ve eliminated the pain.
Our objective would be to look at the underlying problems that are causing the pain.
Look at, for example, FHP. FHP causes the head to go forward. The head weighs around 15 pounds; for each inch that it goes forward, the weight is multiplied by that amount; therefore, putting that amount of weight on your back.
For example, if the head goes forward four inches and you multiply it by 15, there are 60 pounds of pressure being constantly put on your neck, back, shoulders, and all the way down to your tailbone. It can also create symptoms like headaches, neck pain, arthritis, shoulder problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and eventually can create rubbing and grinding on the discs, causing degenerative disc disease.
Our office is unique because we take x-rays to see how the person’s spine looks. We, then, develop specific types of spinal molding exercises with certain adjustments and apply them to the person to where over the course of time, the person will change. We then can take another x-ray to see the correction happening, ultimately taking care of the cause. By doing so, we can get at the cause, to where the pain wont come back.
Any questions? Contact me, Dr. Robert Bates, at www.chiromanhattanbeach.com