Garlic is a power food! Taking garlic instead of aspirin may SAVE your life!
Wow! What a response! We’re going to have another Nutrition and Weight loss Workshop on Thursday February 24th at 6:45 pm at Fusion Sushi.
It will be open to all of our patients and their guests.
It’s for patients who come alone.
But if you bring a guest, there is no charge for either of you, and dinner is included!
Bring as many guests as you’d like!
We’re going to have a great time; we’re going to cover the latest information on health, nutrition, and weight loss. We’re going to clear up some misconceptions that people have about these topics.
It’s going to be a very powerful evening. It may change your life; it may even save your life!
Just sign up at the front desk; talk to Gio, Jenny, or Patty. Space is limited so sign up as soon as you can!
Do you have a health problem that concerns you?
See Manhattan Beach Chiropractor Dr. Robert Bates D.C.for Chiropractic Care.
Call: (310) 545-4188 For A Free Consultation.
Visit our office at
1218 Highland Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266