Do you have foot pain, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, sciatic pain, low back pain?
Did you know that your running shoes can cause more harm for your structure than just walking barefoot.
The reason is because the foot is meant to put up with stress: the conditioning of walking and running.
The more protected the foot is, like in running shoes, the more deconditioning occurs.
What I recommend is that you introduce into your training walking barefoot on grass or on the beach, or you could pick up barefoot walking shoes. They’re called Five Fingers and they fit like a glove.
This will allow the right conditioning in your foot to develop. The foot is designed with arches like a suspension bridge. If support is placed in the middle of the arch, it actually weakens the bridge.
If you allow stress to be put along the apex of the suspension bridge, it disperses through the suspension to its strongest point. That is how the human foot works.
If you condition the foot, that will help all the way through the chain of the body.
Do you have foot pain, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, sciatic pain, low back pain?
Did you know that your running shoes can cause more harm for your structure than just walking barefoot.
The reason is because the foot is meant to put up with stress: the conditioning of walking and running.
The more protected the foot is, like in running shoes, the more deconditioning occurs.
What I recommend is that you introduce into your training walking barefoot on grass or on the beach, or you could pick up barefoot walking shoes. They’re called Five Fingers and they fit like a glove.
This will allow the right conditioning in your foot to develop. The foot is designed with arches like a suspension bridge. If support is placed in the middle of the arch, it actually weakens the bridge.
If you allow stress to be put along the apex of the suspension bridge, it disperses through the suspension to its strongest point. That is how the human foot works.
If you condition the foot, that will help all the way through the chain of the body.