Last time we talked about the study in the Journal of Human Hypertension that showed how a chiropractic adjustment can lower blood pressure. A bone can be out of alignment in the neck, called a subluxation, and it could actually cause the body to have high blood pressure. But it can also cause a lot of other things.
When we talked to people that have come in with backaches, they had subluxations that may have created other problems, such as high blood pressure, stomach problems, heart problems, lung problems, digestion problems, reproductive problems, even immunological problems. That could all be from a subluxation!
How can that be? Let me show you the science behind that:
When you have a subluxation, a bone goes out of alignment that can interfere with the messages going down the nerve. We need these messages to go from the brain down through the spinal chord out the nerves to allow proper function to happen.
The way the neurological pathway works is you have the upper cervical mechanical receptors, when the spine is out of alignment, you adjust that area and it actually affects the mechanical receptors, which will affect the nucleus intermedius, which affects the nucleus tractus solitarius, it goes down the line to the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve, and that’s key because that’s going to affect the parasympathetic efferents, which affects the heart, the lungs, the intestines, the immune system, even the reproductive system. So, a subluxation can affect those pathways through the autonomic nervous system.
Some people, such as those in the study regarding high blood pressure, have no pain at all, yet have health problems; however, most people who go into a chiropractor’s office usually have some pain. They are lucky enough to have pain, because they have subluxations that may be creating other problems with the particular organs mentioned, and getting adjusted helps those areas too. It’s a secondary effect that they didn’t know they were going to get. There’s a lot of medical research that backs that up!
If you notice the chart in the video, it shows how subluxations in the thoracic spine can affect the lungs, the stomach, the gallbladder, the heart, and the kidneys. There is a lot of research that shows how what one would think to be a medical condition can actually have been created by a subluxation.
I’m not saying that correcting the subluxations is a panacea, but when you have that nerve interference, like what we talked about, no drug is going to correct the cause; you have to go to a chiropractor to find out.
So, it’s really important to get checked, regardless if you’re experiencing symptoms or not. That’s why some people can have a backache that can actually save their life. Think of a backache as a blessing in disguise.