Most of us would love to keep our family healthy. How do we do keep our children healthy? Everyone knows to eat right and exercise, but a lot of people are ignoring the fact that when they send their kids to school, they’re sending them off with backpacks that are 30 to 35% their body weight. The kids are looking like turtles walking to school lugging these big backpacks.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates there are about 7200 emergency room visits each year as a result of the heavy backpacks. This is 330% higher than it was in 1996.
The percentage of weight shouldn’t be over 15%. You should weigh your kids’ backpacks to see if the weight exceeds the bodyweight percentage as well if the backpack fits correctly.
Their backpacks should have nice pads on the straps, pulled up snug, as well as a waist belt. Make sure their backpacks aren’t too big, because if they are, you’ll start seeing it buckling down on their rear ends.
So, you have to fit the backpacks properly as well make sure the load isn’t more than 15%.
The reason you need to keep a close on your children’s backpacks is because we’re getting this epidemic with kids having injuries that are short turn. But, after a while, it reforms their spines into bent twigs, which will grow into bent trees. This will lead to degenerative changes quicker that lead to health problems
We want your kids to grow up straight and tall. So, your job this week is look at your children’s backpacks. It they don’t meet the requirements, it’s worth it to throw their backpacks away and go to E.T. Surf or another surf store and fit your kids properly.